Paul and Sophia first met when she was 16 years old. They have shared wonderful years, making memories from their joy of travel, music, food and skiing.
After almost a decade together and surviving a long distant relationship whilst they were both at Uni, with their love blossoming and gaining strength to the day Paul proposed to Sophia in a camper van in New Zealand and recorded it on the Go Pro.
Their big wedding weekend was set to be celebrated with all important family and friends. Having a very close family, Sophia stressed that friends are the family that you choose. Paul and Sophia have chosen well.
With the whole house filled with garlands with photos of Paul and Sophia’s life together and true testament to how treasured family and friends are to the happy couple.
Sophia was truly beautiful in her dress and her bouquet was a fabulous display of colour with Kangaroo Horn flowers and orange roses symbolising “Friendship”.
Sophia stood and announced that there are two very important men in her life, her Dad and Paul and they always put her first, hence her speech was before theirs. She spoke of having fun growing up with her brother Alexander who taught her not to take life so seriously. Sophia made promises to her, best friend, travel buddy, duet partner and wonderful new husband.
“I shall never watch bake off without you or start meaningful conversations when you are half asleep.”
Sophia was overcome with emotion when Hannah, introduced their dear friend, Daisy, on FaceTime. Daisy sadly could not be with the happy couple on their wedding day, so she wrote a special poem.
“It started with MySpace. First kisses in the park. Suggitt’s ice cream in Great Ayton. Conversations in the car.
What are the odds of finding someone who will keep every secret, save every letter and tell you how you really look.
Who will remember every single one of your birthdays, without checking Facebook.
What are the odds of finding someone who can finish your sentences? Who will let you cut in line.
Who knows not to just lend a hand or an ear when you need them to give you their spine.
I will always save you a seat. I will always pick you to be my partner, even though you are terrible at tennis.
When the fire takes all you have, my home will be your home.
When you get old and can no longer remember my face, I will meet you for the first time, again and again.
I have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and I choose both.
I want to share every single one of your sunshines and save some for later.
I will tuck them into my pockets so I can give them back to you when the rains fall hard.
I want to be the mirror that reminds you to love yourself.
I want to be the air in your lungs that reminds you to breathe easy.
When the walls come down, when the thunder rumbles, when nobody else is home, hold my hand and I promise I won’t let go.
Paul emphasized those emotions with his speech to his beautiful bride
“Our dreams intertwined over the years, and so incredibly proud of what you have achieved. Whatever you set your heart on next I will be with you every step of the way.
We have one shot at this existence and I choose you and I choose you forever. “
After Paul’s very emotional speech best man Jerome made everyone giggle with his tales of Paul in his University years and all the antics that they use to get up to . Guests were thrilled with a photo’s projected on the wall of Paul and Andy dressed as blue and pink unicorns singing “They’ve got lollypops and gummy drops and happy thing; “It’s impossible to wear a frown in Candy Town; it’s the Mecca of love, the candy cave.”
Jerome presented the couple with a small gift of two hummingbirds carved by an artist from the west coast of Canada, where he has loved living and exploring the last couple of years. In indigenous legend, the hummingbird is a joyful messenger of love and good luck. ” I can think of no better symbol as you step into this new thrilling chapter of your lives, lighting up the world around you as you go.”
Sophie and Paul’s dear friend Jenny made their perfect three tier cake from carrot to lemon drizzle to Victoria sponge and carefully crafted gold leaf with sumptuous figs and Eucalyptus decoration.
And so the party begins !!!!
“I know that love can be loud and jubilant. It can be dancing in the mud and the pouring rain at a ball and shouting ‘YOU ARE AMAZING’ over the band.
“I know that love happens under the splendour of moon and stars and fireworks and sunsets”
“Love is also a quiet, reassuring, relaxing, pottering, pedantic, harmonious hum of a thing; something you can easily forget is there, even though its palms are outstretched beneath you in case you fall.”
Suppliers on the day
SP Wedding Films – Barney Shortman
Make Up Artistry
Hair design